To Hell and Back

To Hell and Back

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This futuristic Action-Thriller takes place in the year 2029, an evil apocalyptic future…The personification of evil, Greg Hussein, has taken over the world and nobody can stop him, nobody can solve his riddle. Nostradamus, having prophecicited about Greg Hussein, is the only one who has the answers to stop the evil reign of terror. But Nostradamus is in HELL. So, our hero, Col. Duke LaCrosse, a fomer Army Ranger commits suicide thus ensuring his damnation. When transferred to the devil’s lair Col. LaCrosse finds that being transported to hell is like the Terminator time portal — none of his weapons were transported with him. Naked, and armed only with his wits and his fists of fury and some kung fu mastery, Col. LaCrosse must search for Nostradamus and get the information that can bring down Greg Hussein and save the world. In the course of his quest our hero confronts not only the Devil but also several of the most evil figures throughout human history such as Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden and Rick Springfield.

MUMDb Rating:  95/100

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